
PSI is a PLASA NRC Endorsing Company. We are committed to maintaining and improving safety standards within the industry, which is demonstrated by our training programmes aimed at raising awareness of rigging practices, and by our participation in rigging education initiatives. PSI represents the Irish rigging community with a seat on NRAG (National Rigging Advisory Group) and has been heavily involved in the development of NELT (National Event Lifting Training) with PLASA - a course which we offer as part of our training programme.

In the field, our rigging department provides fully NRC qualified riggers for a range of events. Our equipment is tested and certified to ensure it meets not only industry regulations but also our own rigorous professional safety standards.

Our trained inspection staff are available to conduct LOLER inspections for client equipment or venues, and to advise on regulatory obligations. PSI is also a CM accredited service centre. 

Our rigging rental department holds the largest stock of truss, hoists and hardware in Ireland, with inventory of CM lodestar and EXE Rise hoists, as well as Litec, Milos, Thomas and Prolyte truss.

Whether you need hardware, rigging solutions or a complex installation, the rigging sales team provide the advice, equipment and support required to meet the needs of all clients. PSI is the Irish Distributor for Prolyte and holds stock of 'on the shelf' goods, including: truss, staging, barrier and hardware.

Our PPE brand, FA2, is a new range of rigging related protection, which includes harnesses, head protection and fall arrest equipment.

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Light rigging
Show Rigging
Custom Rigging